Sunday, March 31, 2013

so what is your excuse again, Lisa?

there are days when this all feels like a dream. how did I get here? all of this indulgent chatter and self defeat. then in researching yet another topic, i stumble across this. How do you make it through and still make it beyond? This is strength. I have learned as of late that being strong isn't standing in the fire to feel its burn, its not fighting the storm while the storms rage. It is making sure that when the storm is over, you haven't allowed it to change you. It is the process of walking through the fire that is your strength. New ground grows after a fire. Is this what we are afraid of? And the storm doesn't define you. You came out on the other side of it; better, wiser. Strength has a physical quality, but really the strongest among us, the ones who live in lieu of the storms and fires are strength personified. We all have it in us, everyone of us. Fires and storms. Strength. No excuses.

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